This past week I finished reading 3 Read Alouds with my ELL's.
6th grade: Because of Winn Dixie by Kate Di Camillo
7th grade: Flip Flop Girl by Katherine Paterson
8th grade: Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Although many times my voice gives out, and I wonder how I'm going to finish, recorded readings are no substitute for live ones. I've tried the recorded readings and they don't work with ELL's. It's vital that we make the text comprehensible. A recorded reading will not provide that for them. I like to have a class set of the title so the students can follow along.
Here are some tips that have worked for me during Read Alouds:
1. Pause after each incident to summarize what has happened. Keep track of students' faces. Confused or tuned out looks are cues for quick recaps.
2. Pause after finishing a chapter. Have students choose a title for the chapter or change the titles already used by the author. This is a great way to reinforce main idea vs. supporting details.