Wednesday's Worksheets with Summertime Flair
Good Morning!
Today will be a real summertime experience for our family. In summertime style, our AC decided to go on vacation, without us! So, it will be a hot day in the Reyes' house. After posting this worksheet, I'll be finding cooler quarters.
Today's worksheet has a list of summertime prompts.
I convinced my students to promise before they left for summer break to read a book a week and to keep a summer journal. My 8th graders received a special treat, I made them
customized composition notebooks to keep during their last summer before high school. I'm able to keep in touch with my kids via our class blog. I post summer prompts and ask the students to comment on the books they're reading. This worksheet I've posted is not only great for the kids, if you enjoy journaling as much as I do, maybe we can try a few ourselves.
Thanks again for stopping by.