Friday, March 30, 2018


Hello There!

So, today I have a day off and I decided I'd come visit the old neighborhood and catch up on what's happening.

Just recently we looked underneath our bathroom vanity which of course was dated, but still functional. Uh yeah! To our horror, we found extensive water damage.  Not sure where the fault lied, we thought it was due to cracked tile.  So, the project began to tear out the vanity and fix the tile.  
With such limited time, this project could not take months and months.  We found a guy and set the date for Spring Break week.  We had no idea how we wanted the bathroom to look or where to look.  So, the weekend before demo, we ran out to make all of these decisions.  

We were overwhelmed with so many options. We knew we wanted a simple, white bathroom.  Well, at least, I knew.  Let's just say, I'm a little country and my hubby is a little rock and roll.  But, I had already settled before the search began that having a dry bathroom was more important to me than getting my way.  Therefore, I resolved to go with whatever my husband wanted.  Well, it turns out he thought the same.  This helped.

We had some obstacles.  One was the vanity.  Who knew vanities were so expensive?  But, that wasn't our biggest issue, our biggest issue was that our space was not a standard space.  Most vanities are built to 60 or 48 inches.  Our space was 58 inches.  A built-in was not an option with our time constraint.  So, we hunted.  We finally found a little hole in the wall in a neighboring town.  A place we would have never considered.  That's where they had my vanity.  On sale.  I believe it was an answer to prayer because we were panicking.  This guy had the very style I wanted, the color and it was 56 inches wide.  Hello?!

Another hurdle was the floor tile. We have tile in the bedroom area.  Our bathroom is open to our bedroom.  We did not want to replace the floor of our bedroom as it is still in great condition.  So, we had to find a floor that did not clash with the bedroom tile.  We chose this bohemian style floor.  The colors are pretty.  We are planning to gloss it, we'll see if that actually happens.  My little area there has a cute french country look and I couldn't be more thrilled.  It's the little things.  

 After taking down the shower walls, we found the water damage was actually coming from a broken pipe.  Thank the Lord we got it in time. I had imagined subway tile for my little shower area.  What we chose was a compromise, it turned out fine, not perfect, but fine. I'm happy the pipe is fixed.  

Certain things I wanted to fix were not able to be fixed at this time.  The process was not a smooth one, but it got done.  Lesson learned, even new things don't end up perfectly, but gratitude is what brings happiness, not things.  

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My One Little School Word

Happy New Year, Friends 😀
It's 2018. Could you believe it?

Have you heard of the "One Little Word" thing?

Watch this video by Ali Edwards to learn more.

I started choosing my OLW in January 2014.  
This year will hold my fifth OLW.
My 2018 OLW for my non-teaching life is "arise".
This year I chose to use this same word for my professional life, as well.  I chose "arise" for several reasons, but mostly, 
I think this word is a vivid reminder for me to pick myself up when circumstances appear to weigh me down.  

This 2017-2018 school year has come with some added obligations that I haven't had before.  I'm the ELA Professional Learning Community Facilitator.  This position in itself has proven to have a very sharp learning curve.  Then, we've had some personnel transitions in our department, requiring me to fill in where needed in order to keep everything running smoothly.  Then, of course, I have my regular teaching duties that come with its own set of obligations.  

With so much coming towards me, it was very easy to just crawl inside a cocoon and check out whenever absolutely necessary.  Checking out and living in a cocoon is not what I want, nor does it provide inspiration and excitement that is vital to enduring in our profession.  

So this year, just like the butterfly, I hope to arise from that cocoon, move upward when circumstances get heavy.  


 I think I often worry that the worse scenario is going to happen, therefore I try to be as proactive as possible.  But, if I've learned one thing I've learned this, I can't prepare for everything.  And, even when the worse thing has happened, things have a way of working themselves out anyway. So, one way to ARISE is to remember everything is going to be ok.  Relax.

Also, I plan to "arise" by coming out of my classroom more often and find time to connect with others more.  Teaching can become a lonely profession. There's so much to do and so little time to get it all done.  So, we use every minute of every day to cram one more thing in.  Before we know it, we've been shut in our rooms and haven't lived the day.  This word "arise" is a reminder that I need to come out and 
live a little during the day.

Another way I plan to "arise" this year in the classroom is to make more time for "fun" and not be chained to all the requirements, and testing, and data, and . . .  I think we need to find time to laugh, to create, to chat, and to enjoy our time with the kids and with our colleagues.  That should be in the scope and sequence. 😀  

One last way I plan to "arise" to allow new, unexpected, and unsolicited obligations to help me grow and increase my skills and craft.  I have to admit, learning curves are not fun, and the first thing that comes to mind is, "I don't need this!"  But, what if I do need it?  What if the struggle is exactly what I need to refine who I am as a person and as a teacher?  Quitting is not an option in 2018.  I plan to "arise" and keep moving upward. 

Well, that's it for now.  God Bless!  
I hope 2018 brings you love, happiness and peace.