Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My One Little Word for 2019

Happy New Year - 2019 is here!

If I could describe 2018 I would say it was a year of unprecedented change.  There were many days when I would wonder how I would process it all.  Among the many changes that came my way, one of the most significant was when my dearest friend, Johanna, was called to her heavenly home.  My world tilted and I needed to grab on to something.  

When I was a little girl my dad was a pastor and preached about Christ all the time.  I remember one day while I was sitting on the floor of my little bedroom, I decided to call out the Lord's name to see what would happen.  Almost immediately I felt Him close to me.  I instantly understood that I was His and He was mine.  This was the beginning of many conversations I'd have with the Lord in that very little room.  Fast forward many years later, He still answers when I call.  He remains close and his love is still unconditional and full.  

This memory has been an anchor for me this year amid all the changes.  The world may change around me, but the Lord remains the same.  

So, in 2019, I hope to remain in Him as He remains in me.  I hope to look at him, grab on to him, hold on as I journey through the mystery of an unknown tomorrow.  

My prayer for you is that you would do the same.  
No matter how difficult life's changes can be, 
there is One who does not change and is an anchor for those of us who believe.  

Many blessings to you and your family in this 
New Year.
