It's a new linky party created by Frog Spot: A Blog From the Pond with the purpose of motivating each other and starting off the week positively.
Overplanning, something I find myself doing sometimes. All my plans are not always physically feasible. My goal each time is to "SIMPLIFY".
Good ideas are not always good ideas.
Johanna is a former 7th grade math teacher extraordinaire. She was part of our eagle family even before I was. She has a gift to make Math fun and easy. A few years ago doors opened for her to walk into a new career path. Today she is the children's minister of her church. While we worked at the same school, she and I lead the Encouragement Group at our school. It was our job to encourage, pray and just lend an ear to any and every person who needed it. Johanna continues to be a source of inspration and support to me.
"We Can Do This"
My school has classroom pods. I share my pod with the Art and Culinary Careers teacher. Although our subject areas are completely different, we have become a great source of support for each other. Whenever we are given projects and assignments to do, we rally ourselves and do it togther and
get it done.
"Ohhh Child, things are gonna get easier."
The beginning of the year is always the most difficult for, not just me, but my students. I have to remind myself that things do eventually settle down.
Smileys make me smile.
I have smileys all over my classroom.
My classroom morning view ~
Back to Back 3 - Day Weekends
No explanation needed.
Stop by Frog Spot: A Blog From the Pond to join the much needed, Motivate Me Monday fun.
UPDATE: Motivate Me Monday prompts change from week to week. I didn't know. I used last week's prompt for today. I decided not to link my post to today's link up because my prompts would be different from everyone else's. If you have a minute, take a look at this Monday's prompts from Frog Spot. They're a lot of fun.