Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January's Show & Tell

for the very first Show & Tell Linky Party.
This is a monthly Linky Party where we "show" up to four things from school, or home, or any other thing and we tell about it.

A few years ago I changed from using a file cabinet to organizing with binders.  I'll never go back.  My file cabinets now store supplies, headphones, microphones, and old files that I keep around for memory's sake.

 Right before winter break our school hosted Career Day.  Our kids dressed up for the occasion.
Finding Foreheads is a super, simple activity we use to "set" new vocabulary words.  We've already introduced new words, taken notes, looked for words in context. The next step is to try to set all of that learning in the student's permanent, personal word banks.  It's like "glossing" after you've gone through the hard work of painting a beautiful picture.  You want all of that learning to set in permanently and keep from dulling out.  

The inspiration for this activity came from the smart phone game "Heads Up".  I went to the Dollar Store and found cute headbands, 6 for $1.  I prepared flash cards with just definitions, no words.  I paper clipped the flashcard to the headband and placed the headbands on each student without them looking at their card.
Each student receives a handout with a two column chart.  On one column all the words are written out.  I give them a few minutes to write the definitions they already know.  Then, students go to find the forehead that has the definition of the words they can't remember.  It was fun and after playing the game a few times, the kids did fabulously on their quiz. 
I'd love to see and read all about your "Show and Tell".  Feel free to link up and join the party. Just click here and it will take you right to the fun.  

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Currently" in January, 2016

the very first CURRENTLY Linky Party of 2016 ~
As some of you might know, or not know, I'm an empty nester.  ( I married young! LOL!)
My kids moved to the west coast 2 years ago.  When one's kids are young sometimes a moment of silence is your biggest wish. But, oh my, how things change!  Now, all I wish most days is to have them near and hear their voice in real time. Twice a year I get that wish. Priceless!

I love the HGTV show Fixer Upper.  How I wish I lived in Texas just to buy the ugliest house in the best neighborhood and have the Gaines make it beautiful.  I noticed that in every house they decorate they include a giant wall clock.  I just had to have one.  We started looking online and the prices were a little more than I wanted to spend.  While shopping at my favorite store, I found one for $75 bucks in the clearance aisle.  I'm stoked.

"Keep It Simple Sunshine"
This is how I roll:  Simplify and maximize simultaneously ~ "Max-ify" or "Simpli-cize" ~ Well, I think you know what I mean ~ Always a work in progress.  I'm hoping to be creative this second semester and continue to find the balance.

My husband recently built a bed frame for the bed in our guest bed.  Under the bed we were able to keep a trundle with another twin bed.  I was so impressed I've asked him to use the same model to build me a table for our sun porch.  Hopefully he can find some time to squeeze it in!  (Fingers crossed!)  (DIY Farm Table by Hometalk)

I have not been bicycling for a very long time.  I love bicycling, but allowing myself to skip one day and then another, I've ended up skipping months.  I feel better when I ride my bicycle.  I'm hoping I can get myself back on the seat.  Soon!

I was inspired by this word from a Christmas carol, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel". It dawned on me that joy is something that we must intentionally keep replenishing because it's so easy to slip out of our hands.  And, no one can replenish our joy banks, but us.  So, this year, each time I experience a joy bank withdrawl, I hope to "re-joice" by finding ways to make deposits and keep it full.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January Pinterest Picks

I'm happy to be joining Pawsitively Teaching, Inspired Owl and Just Reed
for their monthly linky party "Pick 3".  

Here we post 3 monthly Pinterest finds that would be helpful for the classroom.  

Here are my 3 finds for January.
Book Crate On Wheels
I love crates.  This book shelf crates would be great to place near classroom reading nooks.

Composition Book Built-In Pencil Holder 
(Original Pin)
I love this idea, a pencil holder on the spine of the student composition books.  I don't think it even has to be that fancy.  All I need is ribbon and packing tape.  I'm going to try this for sure, especially for students who seem to lose their pencils regularly.

Free Download Flip Book
(Original Pin)
January is a great time to re-teach classroom rules, policies and procedures.
I found this free download flip book that would be a great way to remind our students of their expectations.

Why don't you join the fun?  Just link up below.