Monday, January 4, 2016

"Currently" in January, 2016

the very first CURRENTLY Linky Party of 2016 ~
As some of you might know, or not know, I'm an empty nester.  ( I married young! LOL!)
My kids moved to the west coast 2 years ago.  When one's kids are young sometimes a moment of silence is your biggest wish. But, oh my, how things change!  Now, all I wish most days is to have them near and hear their voice in real time. Twice a year I get that wish. Priceless!

I love the HGTV show Fixer Upper.  How I wish I lived in Texas just to buy the ugliest house in the best neighborhood and have the Gaines make it beautiful.  I noticed that in every house they decorate they include a giant wall clock.  I just had to have one.  We started looking online and the prices were a little more than I wanted to spend.  While shopping at my favorite store, I found one for $75 bucks in the clearance aisle.  I'm stoked.

"Keep It Simple Sunshine"
This is how I roll:  Simplify and maximize simultaneously ~ "Max-ify" or "Simpli-cize" ~ Well, I think you know what I mean ~ Always a work in progress.  I'm hoping to be creative this second semester and continue to find the balance.

My husband recently built a bed frame for the bed in our guest bed.  Under the bed we were able to keep a trundle with another twin bed.  I was so impressed I've asked him to use the same model to build me a table for our sun porch.  Hopefully he can find some time to squeeze it in!  (Fingers crossed!)  (DIY Farm Table by Hometalk)

I have not been bicycling for a very long time.  I love bicycling, but allowing myself to skip one day and then another, I've ended up skipping months.  I feel better when I ride my bicycle.  I'm hoping I can get myself back on the seat.  Soon!

I was inspired by this word from a Christmas carol, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel". It dawned on me that joy is something that we must intentionally keep replenishing because it's so easy to slip out of our hands.  And, no one can replenish our joy banks, but us.  So, this year, each time I experience a joy bank withdrawl, I hope to "re-joice" by finding ways to make deposits and keep it full.


  1. "It dawned on me that joy is something that we must intentionally keep replenishing because it's so easy to slip out of our hands. And, no one can replenish our joy banks, but us."--this exactly! I think this is the BIGGEST lesson I learned in 2015. Happy New Years! Hope you get back on your bike soon--I'm the same way with the stair master...

  2. :) So true!! Thank you so much for stopping by. Happy New Year, as well :)

  3. You look so happy in your picture! I would love to hear more about how you simplify... I could use some simplifying myself!

    Primary on the Prowl

    1. Thank you, I was very happy to see my kiddos. I guess I could do a blog post on some ways I try to simplify. Mostly, it's a "mindset". I know that word is being used a lot. But, I try to put in all the work at the beginning of the nine weeks, so that I have everything in place during the nine weeks. I try to plan ahead as much as I can so that I'm not overwhelmed in the middle of something. And, I try to stick to the plan as much as I can~ Thank you for your visit. :)


Thanks again for the visit. :)