Saturday, September 27, 2014

Add and Delete

The Art of Editing

I teach my middle schoolers to edit their writing by using these three steps:  
~ Read what you have written.
~ Delete what doesn't work or doesn't sound right.
~ Add something better.

As I reflect on the last 6 weeks of school, I realize I need to do a little editing myself. 

I've noticed that it's not only new district and state mandates that make my cup overflow, but I have my own mandates that seem to have similar effects.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wordless Wednesday with Miss De Carbo @ Sugar and Spice

Happy Wednesday, Everyone

Today I'm happy to be linking up with Miss DeCarbo @ Sugar and Spice for

. . . Missing my chug-a-lugs . . .

If you have a moment, check out his website 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Currently for September

Happy Labor Day!

It's so nice to have a day off so soon after school started!  We've only been in school for two weeks, but it sure has been lots of work.  We're gearing up for our Open House next week.  My room has been a work in progress this year.  I "brilliantly" waited to buy classroom supplies for August.  I just thought I'd go to my local teacher store and pick things up there instead of ordering them through our bookkeeper.  Big mistake.  Unbeknowst to me, the two stores in our county that sold school supplies closed down!

Up the creek~