Monday, July 28, 2014


Happy Monday!

Today I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics again



I found bunches of different ways to make bookmarks on Pinterest.

Last year I made these for each teacher at our school.
I put them in their mailboxes on the first day the students arrived.

Yellow, Black and White are our school colors.
Our mascot is an eagle.  The ribbon resembles wings.
It was fun to see teachers' agendas clipped with the same bookmarks.

This year I made bookmarks for my students' agendas. 

I used buttons that are sewn through an attachment on the back.

I slipped the paper clip through the button hole.

Then, I adhered the button to the clip so it wouldn't move.
A glue gun works well with plastic buttons.

Metal adhesives work better with metal buttons.

The hot glue did leave a thick glob of glue. Being that the metal adhesive was less noticeable, I ended up using it to finish all the clips. I left the clip up-side-down overnight to make sure it dried completely. 

Here are my finished products.


These are other bookmarks I made using left over calendars.
 Click here to see more.
I usually slip one of these in a thank you note or birthday card.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Linking up with Sugar and Spice


What fun accents will you be adding to your classroom this year?


Monday, July 14, 2014

Wreath Update

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for visiting with me today.

Last week I linked up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics: Monday Made It Linky Party.  I posted the classroom bandana wreath I made, inspired by Jen from the Girl In the Garage.

I have been blown away by the response to that post!
It was my most visited one to date.
Thank you so much.  

I mentioned I would either accessorize it with a smiley face or a letter R.  I found both at Holly Lobby last week in the foam crafts section. I have to decide which one to use. I like both, but I might be swinging towards the smiley face.

Which would you choose?  
I'd love for you to let me know.

for responding, 
if you'd like, 
feel free to grab this button.  

In Transtion 678

Enjoy your Monday.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shout Outs for Link~Up Host Blogs

Hello, and welcome to my blog.  
I'm thrilled you stopped by.

Today I'm linking up with several blogs.

Let me just say I'm so thankful for the linky parties hosted by some of my favorite blogs.  They have not only been so much fun, they've provided me the opportunity to meet other teacher bloggers and learn so many new and crafty ideas.

And, shouts outs to all of you that have linked up to these blogs and shared your ideas and stories with all of us.  

(Applause, Applause)

Let's begin.

First, I'm going to link up The Teaching Tribune for

This worksheet is more for middle school or the intermediate level.

Last year I created an "All About Me" profile sheet and I had it on every desk when the students walked in on the first day of school.  While I greeted new students and prepared all the paper work required for the first day of school, the students got busy from the first minute they entered my classroom.  

It is customary for middle school teachers to go over all their rules and policies on that first day. I don't.  I know that sounds wrong, but this is how I see it. 

 The kids hear a long and detailed speech from 6 different teachers on the first day of school.  The next day, we have do it all over again because half our class got a schedule change and now the new students have to hear it and the remaining studetns have to hear it again as if it were the first time.   So, I wait until the second or even third day.  I make sure the students have meaningful activities that may require art skills and/or opportunities to write about themselves.  These activities immediately become part of my class decoration.  

When I actually make my speech, the kids are ready to hear it and they don't tune me out. 

I'm sure this method may not work for everyone.  It works for me because I have returning students that know the drill.  They are all too happy to help me out with the new students until we have a formal discussion on our class culture.  

This coming August I will need to create something new, I won't be using this profile because obviously the returning students will have already seen this one.  I'll be pick it up again next year or the following.  (I better get busy, August is right around the corner.)

Click here to download a copy.  Go to "August Activities".  


Next, I'm linking up with i {heart} recess

Love this idea.  

Thanks again for coming over.  I can't wait to read all of your 2014~2015 goals.  

I'll see you next time.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Made it and Meet Me

Hi There!  I'm so glad you stopped by. 

  I hope you're enjoying your vacation and getting lots relaxation.  

Today I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for the Monday Made It linky party. I've been following the links each Monday and I've been loving all the DIY projects.

Here are some of my DIY's. 

Every year I change my classroom's look.  This is a little unusual for middle school because most teachers I know just keep their rooms looking the same way.  Each year they get new students so the room is new each time. Being that I'm the only ESOL teacher at our school,  I'll see my same students again.  I don't want my kids to come back and walk into the same ole, same ole.  I want the atmosphere to be fresh, new and inspiring.  

I don't usually chose a theme, but I choose a new color scheme.
 This coming year my colors will be green, blue, pink and white.

On my FB news feed I found this article on a bandana wreath created by 

Click here to read her post.

I thought this wreath would be a colorful addition to my personal board.  My personal board is sectioned off to include my own little knick knacks.  Not only does this give me something pleasant to look at every day, I think it helps establish a "homey" tone to the room.  I include pictures of my family, my own awards and certificates, and any other item that makes me smile.

So, I bought my supplies:  a styrofoam ring and a green, blue and pink bandana.

Ok~ Up to this point I was doing fine, but here's when things started to go wrong. I didn't follow directions properly.  The directions were to cut off 3 inch strips, and I did.

  Sounds easy enough.  But,  before I cut the strips, I decided to cut off the borders.   Jen from the Girl In the Garage didn't cut her borders, nor did she give instructions to.  I'm not sure why I did.  Big mistake.

To attach the bandana I created a U shape and tucked the ends into the cup just like the directions stated.

However, when I went to put my wreath together, the strips were too short for the width of the wreath.  They were not long enough to tighten the knot.

I don't have a picture of what the wreath looked like after I finished because you wouldn't want to see it.  (sigh)  So, decisions, decisions . . . I could either lose the money on the bandanas and go buy new ones or troubleshoot.  Well, you guessed it,  I troubleshooted.

Thank the Lord for straight pins.
I tightened the knot, flared the ends, and pinned the fabric to the styrofoam.  Each bow used two pins.

And, this is the end product.

I like it.
The Girl In The Garage did a much better job on hers, 
but mine's not too bad for someone who didn't follow directions correctly.  

Next year's wreath will be done the correct way.  That's the thing about mistakes, they are the best learning experiences.  

I plan to either include a smiley face in the center when I hang it up on my white board, a letter "R", or a small chalk board.  We'll see.  I'll post a picture of the wreath hanging on my board once I get back to school in August.

I love to crochet.  I learned basic stitches when I was in Girl Scouts a long time ago.   As an adult I picked up the hobby again and I've crocheted blankets for my own kids, friends and family.  Here are pictures of some of my creations.

If you'd like a tutorial on some of the stiches, click here.

I host an Encouragement Group at our school.  During our get togethers we encourage each other and pray for our needs and the needs of our school.  Because of so many time demands on teachers we find it hard to meet as often as we'd like.  So, I try to send the group encouraging notes and little gifts throughout the year to let them know that I'm thinking and praying for them.  During Teacher Appreciation Week in May I wanted to do something.  I searched the internet and found this article by Crystal & Company: 12 Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas.  She has lovely DIY gift ideas.  I decided to use #10: We Need S'more Teachers Like You.  

These are the materials I used.

~ Graham crackers
~ Small chocolate bars
~ Large marshmallows
~ Cardstock
~Party bags from a party supply store
~ Paper cutter
~ Double-sided tape

This is how I put it together.

Cut out the S'more printables.  

Adhere double stick tape to the back of the printable. 
(The original directions say to copy the printable on cardstock.  I'm always afraid the cardstock is going to jam up my printer, so I decided to go with the extra step.)

Tape the printable to the card stock and cut around the edges with the paper cutter.

Fold in half  
(I apologize for the glare of the light on the photo.)

I added a greeting to the back side.

Here's the final product.

They were a hit!

I'm also linking up today for the last Monday Meet Me with The Teaching Tribune

Here are some Random Facts About Me.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me today.
I hope your day is filled with lots of rest and no stress.