Friday, October 3, 2014

It's "Currently" October

Hi Everyone!
I'm linking up once again with
Farley, at Oh' Boy 4th Grade
for October's Currently.

To see a variety of fun Currentlys, 
take a moment and click on her site.  

October's Currently is sponsored by 

A Grace-Filled Classroom

Here's Mine . . .

Trick for High Maintenance Middle Schoolers:

In my experience compliments yield more favorable results than any other feedback.  And, negative feedback sandwiched in compliments is received more readily.  
When my students walk in at the beginning of the period, I stand at the door with stickers, yes stickers.  Middle schoolers still love them.  (I collect stickers all year long and I have a good variety.) Without saying much, I just intentionally, and sometimes dramatically, search for students who follow our walk-in routine quickly, quietly, maturely and correctly. 

As soon as I see the first one, I walk to his or her desk, express my gratitude and a specific compliment.  I then put a sticker on the back of their hand.  In less than a few minutes I have the entire class on task, and almost always, everyone starts the period with a compliment.  When an unexpected incident threatens to disrupt the routine, I quickly begin to appreciate and specifically thank students who are cooperating and complying, 
and things get back in order.  

By the end of the year student notebooks, journals and agendas are covered with their rewards.  Some days, I omit the sticker, and I just say, "_________ gets a compliment for _________." And, it works just as well.  Validation, recognition and appreciation goes a long way.

Wishing You All the Best October Ever!


  1. I love that idea! And I agree- I have spoken to teachers about how I create things and some of the middle school teachers mentioned that their kids wouldn't care about it being cute.. I disagree, because I am an adult and I love cute paper and doodles! Love the sticker idea!

  2. I love your sticker idea! I so could do this with my 3rd graders as well. I've been using dojo, but may move to some stickers as well next week! Thanks!

    1. The old fashioned sticker is a great back-up~ Thank you for stopping by. :)

  3. Love your Trick!! It's so easy to forget how much a compliment can change a little one's day!

  4. That is the same trick I use with my 2/3 class! I rarely need to point out the problem behaviors because as soon as I recognize the behavior I expect, the others follow suit! :) Enjoy your weekend!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

    1. It works every time! Thank you so much for stopping by. :)


Thanks again for the visit. :)